I am excited to announce that from now on, important blog posts about AI, education, and digital media will also be available in English. I am looking forward to engaging with international teachers, tutors, and experts. Your feedback, comments, and the sharing of these articles will be greatly appreciated and highly valued. Let’s connect and discuss these vital topics together! The original German version of this article can be found here.  Artificial Intelligence is on everyone’s lips. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is celebrated in thousands of posts and described in numerous articles. And indeed: how the program seemingly “answers” questions is astonishing at first glance. Does this mean traditional education is obsolete? On the contrary. The various types of content that can be fed into the program can be read about in many other places. So let’s take a typical example of a question and an answer as ChatGPT gives us: What can be done about the teacher shortage? To combat the teacher shortage, it can be helpful to take measures that encourage teachers to stay in the profession and increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession. Some possibilities are: – Improving the working conditions and pay of teachers to make the profession more attractive and reduce the migration to other professions. – Creating continuing education and professional development opportunities to help teachers expand their skills and knowledge and increase their motivation. – Introducing mentoring programs where experienced teachers support new teachers and help them acclimate to the profession....